October 9, 2008

Current Likes and Dislikes - Oct. 2008

- Jon and Kate Plus 8
- Mika!
- Having no class or work on Fridays
- Heroes
- Special K Fruit and Yogurt cereal
- Curtis Orchard donuts
- Meeting new GSLIS people
- Walking everywhere on campus and slowly getting in shape
- Exploring different departmental libraries
- Campus!
- Monical's pizza with red sauce
- Iced tea - I can't stop drinking it!
- Getting to see my family all the time

- Not getting to see Dan all the time : (
- Having to do homework all day on Fridays
- Being out of milk
- Missing my suburbs friends
- The fact that Jon and Kate Plus 8 isn't on at all times
- Being extremely stressed for many days in a row
- Not getting real weekends very often

Posted by jujio at October 9, 2008 10:23 PM

i pretty much only drink iced tea. my favorite is tejava from trader joe's. it's bottled, but it's unsweetened and fresh-brewed so it's really good!

Posted by: jen at October 15, 2008 8:27 PM
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