December 11, 2007

Things I Love (Dec. 2007)

Here are 10 Things I Love Right Now:

1. Pizza.

2. Cold pizza. It might be even better than regular pizza.

3. Being a big dork

4. Tea. Tea sets, tea cups, tea pots. Earl Grey with milk and honey.

5. Christmas shopping

6. Daniel, and hanging out at his house with him and his family and dogs

7. Star Trek: The Original Series

8. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. I've been reading a bit of this book every night before I go to bed and it keeps cracking me up. Okay, I've read it before. Twice. But I really like it.

9. Volunteering at the library and hanging out with the crazy, but friendly, children's section librarians

10. Getting all snuggly on the couch when it's cold out with a sweatshirt, blanket, fuzzy socks, and something warm to drink. Bonus points for something good on tv (Seinfeld, What Not to Wear, Good Eats, etc.)

Posted by jujio at December 11, 2007 12:49 AM
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